Friday, 3 July 2020

Pet day

On Thursday this week our school had it first ever pet day for the seniors!I brag my cat tiger who is a 12 year old tabby ginger cat But his full name is Tiger woods Owen puss prowl.There were lots of dogs,rabbits birds and even 2 chickens.


  1. Kia Ora!
    My name is Maddison I am a year 8 and I go to Yaldhurst Model School.

    WOW! Awesome reacount about pet day. Me and my school have one every year and theres always lots of fun things going on when it arrives.
    What was your favorite part about pet day?

    Oh how cool! I love hearing about your animals, Maybe so I can get an even better idea on what they look like you could add in some pictures r videos.

    One way I think you could improve would to make this blog more fun and upbeat for an exsample and add colours and drawings!
    To keep your blog post a nice theme and catch the reader's attention.

    Thanks ! Keep up the good work!
    What's your favorite animal?
    -Maddie, Yaldhurst Model School.

  2. Hello Billie, I'm Amelia from Yaldhurst Model School!

    I liked the way you mentioned what animals you saw and how you brought your cat, Tiger.

    This reminds me of our pet day but I can't remember if we've already had it this year or not.

    To improve, maybe you could show some pictures or add a slide, or maybe both!

    Why did you decide to blog about this?

    Cya later, Billie, keep it up!



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.