Friday 27 November 2020


 Every year at our school we have this thing called PREP.

Which stands for.




Me and my two friends nova made a businesses called snazzy beans which Originally were making Christmas trees out of pine cons and then we making letters and then we had no money and then after 2 weeks of trying and failing we finally chose to make candlers and after 1 hour  we made 40 candlers.

Thank you  isy and nova miss p and miss costel0.

Monday 16 November 2020

financial literacy.

 Over the pasts 3 days our class has been doing financial literacy.

For financial literacy we had to make what our life would be like when we were 40 i had 4 kids married a cat a dog and a mini van BUT then we got some cards will our mortgage,pay,groceries and fortune cards.

for the first 3 weeks(two days) i was doing good i wasn't broke but then when the power ,tv,phone,car bill i become in debut very very fast.

Friday 13 November 2020