Thursday 1 August 2019

Cellphones at School

last week we made an argument about phones at school me and kyra and Hannah made a pice of writing about what we think.
What do you think about phones at school?

Cellphones at School

Think, do you really want to be spending your whole school day
on your phone instead of learning? You probably said yes, but you will regret
it in the future. Kids are easily distracted by phones and social media. which
has shortened our attention span. 

Study shows that at least 1 out of 4 eye patients come in with the complaint
about eye strain from reading text on a small screen. We normally blink 15
times a minute, but it decreases by half when we are on our phones.
This can cause blurred vision, headaches, and sore eyes. Electromagnetic
fields produced by phones come into direct contact with pupils’ brains and
can influence the overall state of the organism. People who use cellphones
are several times more subjected to brain tumors and acoustic neuromas.
There were other adverse health consequences like leukemia, infertility and
different types of cancers.  Only imagine how detrimental cell phone towers

Kids are easily distracted by cellphones when they are MEANT to be working.
They will go onto their phones to check messages on apps like Snapchat,
Messenger, Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter and many more. Once
they are on these apps, they won't be able to retain themselves from
continuing to use them. Also if students find that the work is too hard or
they can’t be bothered, phones will be one of the first things they think
of for free time or to get out of doing work. Sometimes kids will use their
phones to answer questions in exams and research shows that 35% of
students even admit to this.

With phones at school there is a higher chance of cyber bullying. Alright,
I know EVERYONE LOVES Instagram, Twitter Facebook, TikTok  and other
Apps like that. BUT THINK! Do you know the words bully and cyber and if
you put those 2 words together then you will find what is really happening
on the life of a child's phone. 

If you bought your cellphone to school, it has a high chance of being stolen,
especially if you had an expensive or top of the range phone. It would

become very desirable to people who don’t have or didn’t bring their phones.
Besides, how would your parents react when you came home from school
telling them that it got stolen from the super cool school bully? There would
be three outcomes, one being grounded for a looong time, two not getting a
new phone from your parents and three, both of the above.

In conclusion, we believe that cellphones should not be allowed
at school for all of the reasons above including health, cyber bullying,
distractions and theft. 

By Kyra , Hannah and Billie-Jean


  1. Kia Ora Billie! It's me Kyra from across the classroom! :) I like your post about when we did the group exposition writing because you have a rhetorical question in your description of what we did.

    I think that you, Hannah and I worked well together and our argument was pretty good. Maybe next time you could add a picture of a cellphone to catch your audience's attention more. Great work,


  2. Kia Ora Billie It's Nova here from T4 .
    I enjoyed your blog post about Should we have phones at school you made it very clear what your opinion i think that we should have phones at school .What was your favourite thing about this task?
    By for now .


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.