Friday 17 May 2019

myth and legend

This week we had to write a myth and legend.
I based my on why we have earthquakes,thunder and lighting and tsunami.
In my myth and legend it has Greek gods.
i hope u like it.

Why we have thunder and lighting earthquakes and tsunami
As we all  Know Zeus is the ruling god of thunder and lightning and Hades is the god of the underworld guarded by a 3  headed dog called Cerberus.
Now one day, Hades was teasing Zeus because he couldn't reach him and that he seemed too weak and that he did not deserve being the ruler of the gods and thunder and lighting. So obviously, Zeus got really angry by being called weak. Then all of a sudden a stuck of lighting came out and hit the ground. The lighting was a light flash and quickly hit the underworld. A short time later,  the thunder came booming and scared Hades out his wits.

Then Hades thought of a cunning plan to make the world shake so that he could get revenge on Zeus. Hades used all his might and strength to make the world shake.

Meanwhile, Zeus was at Mt Olympus laughing about how he scared Hades was and told everyone about it. They soon joined in with the laugher. All of a sudden the ground  started to shake! Zeus and all the other gods stop laughing as well. His face turned crimson with rage as he knew this was Hades’ doing.

It went for a long time until Hades could not do any more. He fell to the ground weak and frail, but with a Cheshire grin on his face. Meanwhile, Poseidon was not happy, in fact he was raging with fury, for the ocean had  shook too.

So he too came up with a cunning plan. It was to make the sea drown the world to show his anger to his brothers. With all his might, he made a massive flood and a massive wave came up and smashed the city.


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